I didn't grow up in an au natural family.
And although I was raised in a well-educated environment, I didn't learn very much about the human body, health, or nutrition.
I used to drink a lot of pop. I'm surprised some of my friends didn't have an intervention for me. It was bad. And I'm going to tell you how bad, just to make a point. By the end of my Pop-Drinking Career, I was drinking a can of pop every class period at school. 7 pops at school. Plus probably more in the afternoon and evening.
I used to eat out a lot. Sugar, additives, preservatives...I never thought twice about it.
I honestly never really thought about what I was putting into my body.
I also used to be on a lot of medications.
For migraines I took excedrine migraine plus a prescription nasal spray.
I used to get strep throat every year at least once. Antibiotics, over the counter throat sprays, cough sytrups, the works.
I used to have terrible acne. I was on antibiotics for 3 years for that, plus topical cream.
Toe nail fungus.
Tooth decay.
Sore throats.
Dry skin.
Oily skin.
Restless legs syndrome.
Nausea during pregnancy.
There are so many various ailments the average person deals with, and in our culture today, the solution can easily be found in the multiple aisles at your local drugstore or even at Target!
A few years ago, I had reached a place of desperation. I was 25 years old, and my health situation was awful. I was rapidly gaining weight, depressed, exhausted, constantly stressed out, not sleeping well, and getting sick all the time.
God intervened in pretty amazing ways, but it started with small realizations.
I watched a few documentaries about food and wellness.
I started to think about getting the vitamins my body needed and avoiding harmful toxins that were hurting me.
We don't eat a perfectly "clean" diet, and there are still a few bottles of Windex in my cupboards, but for the most part we are making conscious decisions about what we bring into our home, and what we put in our bodies. It has been a complicated journey at times, but I feel so at peace with where we are in the process right now.
And man, we feel good.
Well, we feel better.
But the reality is, after twenty five years of toxins and very poor diet, my body still struggles a bit. Jeremy's body struggles. And our kids do still have various minor ailments.
That's why I am so excited about essential oils.
I don't believe that essential oils will fix every single ailment you can possibly face.
I think that your diet matters.
Your lifestyle matters.
Are you sleeping?
Are you eating well?
Do you have a healthy rhythm to your life?
All of that matters. But in my home, even with a conscious pursuit of health and wellness, we still face minor aches and pains. And in situations where I don't want to immediately go to the doctor for a prescription drug, essential oils have become a very positive alternative!
I had really bad restless legs during pregnancy. Really really bad restless legs.
A friend recommended an essential oil for my legs. And lo and behold, it worked.
Then, I had a really bad tooth ache. Actually, make the tooth aches. An infected root canal, an infected crown, and three cavities. Nausea during two pregnancies turned into a whole lot of calcium deficiencies.
I am in the process of getting those teeth taken care of, but until then, using On Guard on my teeth has helped SO.MUCH with the tooth aches!
Quinn was breathing really thick at night. It sounded mucousy and I was worried. So I used a little bit of Breathe on her chest and her feet. And I kid you not, within 2 minutes she was breathing completely differently. It really opened up her airways and the heavy snoring sound went away completely!
Jeremy was having chest pain. He was born premature and his heart has always been weak. He has occasional flutters or irregular heartbeats, but this was different. It was really worrying us, because it hurt him really bad and it wasn't going away. After 3 weeks, we did a bit of research and from what we could tell, a virus had settled in his heart. We decided to try On Guard since that has been known to fight viral infections. And after 3 days, his heart pain was gone.
The stories just keep coming. And doesn't it make sense?
If you think about it, God created plants and herbs with medicinal qualities because he knew we would need them! Why we ever got away from using them, I don't know. But I am finding so much joy in returning to a natural way of treating the things that I used to treat with Nyquil or Tylenol!
dōTERRA's essential oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which means that they test every single batch of oils several times to ensure quality and purity.
I can't promise that essential oils will fix every single ailment in two days or less.
But I can tell you that we are on a fixed income and every single penny counts. We would not be spending any money on essential oils if we were not seeing positive and meaningful results.
We are investing in oils because we want to provide health and wellness for our daughters in the safest and most natural way possible. Based on my research and experience we believe that the best way to prevent illness, treat minor issues, and help maintain overall health and vitality is through the daily use of essential oils.
:: I am a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate who receives Bonuses and commissions from the Company. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. ::
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