last night, after a very long (I repeat, very long) day, I returned home to find a vase with three pink peonies sitting on the table. a gift from my husband, who knew my heart needed a lift.
I am so thankful for the man I married. He has been a sweet comfort, encouragement, and rock to me these past two months...well, ever since we have been dating, actually. But especially in the last two months, as I have struggled through the depression and distress of the diagnosis, been on and off meds, been in bed crying, stayed home from work, he has not just supported me, he has loved me and seen me through the tears. When I look at myself in these low times, I see and feel like a very worthless human being. Hopelessness runs rampant in my heart, and it's often difficult to even see the future as something good. Jeremy doesn't see me this way. He sees me through the eyes of Jesus. He believes that there is something good ahead...that even this season right now is good, because God is good to us.
I love him so much and can't imagine being safer or more loved by a man than I am with Jeremy.
thanks God.
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